
A.S.Wise is your best source for package management services in Southern California.

Package Management Systems

Smart locker solutions for professional facilities, including residential multifamily, retail, offices, schools, mail centers and more. As an authorized dealer and provider of services for Luxer One, we can ensure a high quality heavy duty and smart locker system that you can trust.

We will help you select the system that is best for your unique needs, whether it is a package locker or package room, install the system and provide maintenance and technical support as needed.

We set out to develop a system that is specifically designed to solve for all the scenarios that come up in last-mile delivery.

Trust A.S.Wise for all of your package management needs. Call (866) 527-1216 to plan your new package management system or click here to send us an email.

Contact A.S.Wise today to learn more.

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